Friday, September 7, 2007

Wow...I am not good at blogging.

I must be the saddest excuse for a blogger in the whole world wide web. (That's the most "w" words I've ever typed....don't know why I shared that ,but there it is.)

Ross and Whigham blog like every other day...

Maybe I just don't have any thoughts to share. Or maybe my thoughts are so deep that I can really only share them once a month....or once every four months. I seriously doubt it's the latter of the two ,but for whatever reason I can never seem to find anything to write about. I mean, I don't like sports (unless I'm playing them), I don't like Star Trek, I don't really have any hobbies except for scrapbooking and who wants to read about my latest page configuration? Not really blog worthy.'t wait for Fall. It's my favorite season. The colors and leaves are nice. I like wearing hooded sweatshirts. They're comfortable...yep. And there's the fact that it's not ,like, 100 degrees outside.

O.k., whelp...that's about it.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Alright folks, I know it has been several weeks since I have posted a blog and that you have been completely lost without knowing what has been going on in my life. Hard as these weeks have been for you...please compose yourself. I am back. (yes, that was a joke...)

Soooo, this Sunday was my first Sunday in the Main Service. Prior to the service, I made the obvious jokes to the other staff members about quitting if the music was lame, walking out half-way through the message, not laughing at Ross' jokes, or throwing tomatoes at the screen because of the graphics. We had our laughs and the service began....

The music was unbelievable, The message was relevant and fantastic, Ross' jokes were funny...I totally saw another side of this guy that sits across from me at our staff meetings, and the graphics were totally awesome.

At the end of the service, I walked out thinking several things:

1. The guys I work with are awesome. I can't believe I work here....

2. The kidstuf Ministry Team ROCKS!!! Man, I can't believe God has led such an amazing group of people here. What would I do without these people who consistently step up to the plate every Sunday? God is so cool.

3. I hope we go to Qdoba for lunch.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Worship Kidz Style!

Thanks to Whigham for the clever blog title. We came up with a few others ,but decided I could lose my job if I posted any of them.

So, for the past couple of weeks kidstuf has been doing this thing called, "Worship Kidz Style." It's an awesome way to connect with your kids for a few minutes before service begins. Kyla loves music. Anytime she hears a beat, she bops her head and shakes her little body. It's so cute. It's great having a time to sit back and worship God with her. It all starts with us as parents being involved in with our kids.

When I was a kid, I can remember my grandma taking me to Sunday School and sitting there with me as the teacher performed a skit using felt pieces and velcro. Times have certainly changed and the felt and velcro industry have suffered a major decline in sales since 1985 ,but my memory of her encouraging me to worship God, pray, and memorize John 3:16 will be with me forever. Nick and I want Kyla to have those same memories of worshipping together.

"Worship Kidz Style" starts at 10:00 a.m. and ends at 10:10 a.m. Come out and create some memories with your kids! See you Sunday!